Sunday, October 10, 2010

D': / T_T / ;-;

I didn't make it....-sniffles- I spent the last 5 or 4 hours of the Read-A-Thon sleeping. T-T That means nobody won't come to my blog anymore...And that means I failed...It was just.....Laying on my oh so comfy bed reading made me tired and.....The beginning pages of The Clone Codes weren't all that interesting...;-;
Overall I'm just sad that I feel asleep, I mean I tried so hard and I truly wanted to stay awake but then the last thing I remember is reading words from The Clone Codes and then poof....I fell asleep....Anyways if the commentors/cheerleaders for the Read-A-Thon are still here I thank you oh so much for supporting me! I would give something out to you like a gift or something but alas I hardly have an money...Unless you want a drawing of mine. =D >.> <.< >.> <.< And If you're not here I more or less look like a blabbing idiot -.-' Blogging to herself for no obvious reason....Yeahhh...

1 comment:

  1. Aww sorry the read-a-thon didn't go well, but at least you tried and had some fun, right? Sleep is good too. :D I read some of the Maze Runner and loved it.

